How to wash a wool blanket in an automatic washing machine

Sheep wool blankets have been popular throughout time. This is a lightweight, environmentally friendly and warm product that can last for many years. But to do this, it needs to be carefully looked after and promptly cleaned of dirt and stains.

When using and regularly changing the duvet cover, the need for washing arises much less often, since the product gets dirty less. But this will not protect the item from dirt and unpleasant odors. Sheep wool is very susceptible to various odors, as it absorbs them like a sponge.

How to wash a sheep's wool blanket without damaging the structure of an expensive item? The main thing is to follow certain rules, and you will easily cope with this task.

A little about the features of blankets


Natural wool fibers are a product of processing animal hair, in most cases sheep of various breeds. Products made from such raw materials have a number of properties:

  • high degree of aeration - fibers allow air to pass through without creating a “greenhouse effect”;
  • excellent hygroscopicity - wool absorbs up to 30% moisture while remaining dry;
  • safety – the products do not cause skin irritation or allergic reactions, which means they are successfully used even for small children.

The air that is between the curls of wool fibers is the best heat insulator, providing the high warming ability of blankets and blankets. Thanks to the elasticity of the raw materials, the products softly and pleasantly envelop the body, easily returning to their original state.

Doctors say that micromassage of the skin occurs with the help of wool fibers. It helps relieve tension and relax the body and is an excellent remedy for insomnia.

But, along with advantages, products made from natural wool also have negative properties. They cake over time, thickening and losing their appearance. Therefore, you need to care for such blankets and rugs only in strict accordance with the rules.

At what temperature should you wash a wool blanket?

If washing a wool product is acceptable, then you should approach each stage of the process with special care. The most important thing is to choose the right water temperature. It is worth considering that when in contact with water, wool becomes many times heavier, and increased water temperature can cause shrinkage. In addition, in hot water the fibers not only shrink, but also lose all their positive qualities. For this reason, you should choose a water temperature that does not exceed 30 degrees.

Attention! Modern automatic machines have a special mode for washing woolen items, including camel, goat and sheep blankets.

Is it machine washable?

Washing machine and girl

Before answering this question, let’s clarify what product we are talking about. Depending on the method of making blankets made from natural wool, there are:

  • Quilted. In this case, a layer of woolen fabric is placed in a fabric cover and stitches are laid along it at a certain distance. Quilting in the form of squares or diamonds is most often used, but other more complex patterns can also be used. Thanks to the technology, the fibers do not move during operation and do not bunch up. This wool blanket can be washed in a washing machine.
  • Solid woven. In this case, the blanket or blanket is a homogeneous fabric. You can decide on the best way to wash it only after carefully reading the information on the label. As a rule, explanations are given in the form of symbols indicating the temperature of the water and the use of detergents. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the fibers from which the blanket is made: the presence of synthetic or artificial threads is possible. If the base is only 100% wool, then the product can be washed by hand.
  • Fur. These voluminous and fluffy blankets and throws are made by weaving fibers into a solid woven base. They look beautiful, but do not tolerate wet processing. They should be dry cleaned, and if this is not possible, dry washed at home. How to do this correctly is a little below.

Having decided on the type of product and the composition of the fibers from which it is made, we proceed directly to the washing process. There are several methods for this.

Can a wool blanket be washed?

With proper care, periodic drying, airing and frequent changing of the duvet cover, the need for washing may not arise for a long time. As with any other fabric product, this process cannot be avoided. Natural filler absorbs moisture well; over time, an unpleasant odor may appear. To avoid this situation, you should deep wash your bedding.

In the case of a quilted blanket, there should be no problems with washing, but if the fabric is solid, then you should definitely consider the label with special instructions from the manufacturer.

Machine washable

A girl takes a blanket out of the washing machine

First you need to compare the volume of the machine drum with the dimensions of the blanket or blanket. In dry form, the product occupies no more than 2/3 of it. A machine designed for 6-7 kg of laundry is better suited.

In addition, there are rules explaining how to properly machine wash a blanket made of natural sheep wool:

  • the water temperature should not exceed 300C, select the mode for wool or delicate linen;
  • Do not use powdered products that may remain between the villi. The best liquids for wool will be those containing lanolin;
  • You cannot wring out a blanket or rug, so the corresponding mode must be turned off;
  • To thoroughly remove the detergent, it is recommended to rinse twice.

After finishing washing, the product should be left in the drum for a while so that the water can drain. You can also transfer it to a large bowl and leave it for 1-2 hours, turning it over several times.

When rinsing a wool blanket or blanket, do not add conditioner as it can cause the lint to stick together. It is better to pour 2 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice into the rinsing compartment, which will add brightness to the product.

Rules for washing wool blankets in a machine

Before washing, the product must be removed from dust. This is done to save detergent and facilitate the process of removing contaminants.

  • To completely remove the detergent, turn on the double rinse function. The fact is that wool is difficult to rinse out from any detergents.

You cannot completely dry the product in a machine. Ideally, the product is not wrung out at all (the water should drain out on its own), so the spin and drying mode is turned off.

  • The use of bleaches and stain removers is not recommended due to the unpredictable reaction of wool fibers to them.
  • Skip the air conditioner.
  • When you don’t have detergent for woolen materials on hand, you can use washing powder for children’s clothes.
  • Use special laundry balls. They will help fluff the product and prevent the formation of pellets.
  • After washing, the blanket should be laid out and dried on a flat surface or hung on a drying rack. During the drying process, the product is periodically straightened and turned over. For drying, choose a place where direct sunlight does not penetrate.

Choosing the right washing mode

washing machine

Many modern washing machines are equipped with a special “Wool” function, which is perfect for this case. If there is no such mode, simply select the gentle mode and temperature +30.

Which detergent is best to use?

Wool blankets are washed exclusively with special products containing lanonin. This is the only way to preserve the structure of the wool fibers.

Henkel "Weasel for wool" is a gel that preserves the softness and lightness of the product.

Miele “Wool Care” - this balm can be washed even at low temperatures, and wool fibers will not pill.

Villi is a budget domestic product. They can be washed both by hand and in a washing machine.

AlmaWin is a safe hypoallergenic concentrated detergent that can be used to wash delicate fibers such as wool and silk.

Domal Wool and Silk – balm for wool and silk fibers.



How to wash a full-woven blanket or blanket made of sheep's wool? Unfortunately, even with a gentle machine operation, such products lose their shape and “go astray.” The only acceptable option is hand washing.

At home, this can be done in the bathroom, where the entire blanket fits. In this case, you must strictly adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the product must be completely immersed in water, the temperature of which cannot exceed 25-300C;
  • instead of detergents, it is preferable to use shampoo, which must be thoroughly foamed;
  • in order for the dirt to be better removed, it is advisable to let the blanket soak for 1-2 hours;
  • When washing, a wool blanket should not be rubbed, twisted or wrung out too much, as this can damage the fibers;
  • you need to rinse until the water is clean, free of foam;
  • After finishing washing, the blanket or blanket should be left at the bottom of the bath to drain the water, turning it over periodically.

Washing a double wool blanket by hand is beyond the power of one person. Therefore, this should be done with an assistant or resort to dry cleaning services.

Useful tips and tricks


  1. Check the blanket for damage.
  2. Treat individual stains with a chlorine-free product.
  3. Remove dust using a vacuum cleaner.
  4. Place a blanket rolled into the machine.
  5. Check how much volume of the drum the blanket occupies - there should be free space left.
  6. To prevent unpleasant odors from emanating from the item, you should dry it in a room with good air circulation.
  7. Weigh the product - it should not exceed the permissible weight specified in the characteristics of the washing machine.
  8. Only by following these recommendations will you be able to achieve the desired result.

Drying a blanket after washing


Even an item washed according to all the rules can lose its shape and become matted if the drying conditions are not followed. Experts advise doing this as follows:

  • after almost all the water has left the product, it is laid out on a horizontal surface, carefully straightened;
  • to quickly absorb the remaining moisture, you can place a terry sheet or several towels under the bottom;
  • if the product has slightly lost its shape, you should stretch it a little and put some weights on the corners;
  • After no less than 3-4 hours, the blanket can be hung on a rope, preferably without bending it, so that it is better blown by the wind.

It is strictly forbidden to dry items made from natural wool in bright sun or near heating appliances. This is fraught with violation of the integrity of the fibers and loss of strength.

Removing stains

It is better to remove dirt from the blanket before washing, since the detergent may not be able to remove it. Stains from wool must be removed taking into account their origin:

  • Fat, ballpoint pen. Sprinkle fresh stains with talcum powder or tooth powder and leave for 3-4 hours. Old - treat with alcohol.
  • Milk. Contamination can only be removed with cold water. Do not use hot, as the animal protein will coagulate and it will be impossible to remove it.
  • Blood. If the stain is fresh, it can be washed off well under running cold water. Old dirt must first be treated with ammonia, allowed to sit, and then rinsed under the tap.
  • Chocolate. It is easily removed with a salt solution.
  • Oil paint. Lubricate the stain with purified gasoline or turpentine and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Coffee. Washable with laundry soap and dish gel. A homemade mixture of dish soap, glycerin and water gives good results. Mix the components in a ratio of 1:1:8, moisten the stain with white vinegar, and then apply the prepared product. Leave for 10-15 minutes, gently rub with a cotton pad, and rinse.
  • Fruits and berries. A solution of water and citric acid helps with stains.

Cleaning a sheep's wool blanket

Girl holding a blanket

Since woolen blankets and rugs are bulky items, which, moreover, when wet, acquire considerable weight, washing turns into a complex process. Therefore, if not the entire canvas is dirty, but certain places, it makes sense to resort to dry cleaning.

  • Fresh stains can be removed with a sponge soaked in soapy water. To prepare, foam a little shampoo in 1 liter of water and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of borax (sold in pharmacies).
  • If the dirt is deeply ingrained, turpentine will help. It is added to the same soap solution in the amount of 30 g per 1 liter of water.
  • You only need to apply foam to the blanket. It is better to do this with a sponge or soft brush.
  • After the stain has disappeared, the remaining product is removed with a damp cloth, and the product itself is shaken vigorously to straighten the lint.
  • Dry the blanket in the open air, protecting it from direct exposure to ultraviolet rays.

By following these simple rules, you can wash a rug or blanket made of natural wool without resorting to dry cleaning. Timely removal of contaminants will preserve the beauty of the products and extend their service life.

Difficulties encountered when washing blankets in a machine

Despite the manufacturer’s permission to wash the blanket and the availability of a special product, difficulties may arise due to which the idea of ​​washing in a machine will not give the desired result.

  1. If a bulky item finds it difficult to fit into the tank, it can ruin both the item and the washing machine. The product should fill the drum 2/3 (plus, it will still absorb water).
  2. If there are holes in the product , they should be sewn up before washing, otherwise they will tear even more.
  3. Individual stains are removed before washing. If the stain is not very stubborn, use a regular sponge and dishwashing gel. For stubborn stains, a soap solution with turpentine is suitable, in which the product is soaked before washing.
  4. You need to dry the blanket as soon as possible , otherwise there is a high probability of rotting, the occurrence and spread of mold. Drying products near radiators and heating elements, as well as in direct sunlight, is prohibited.
  5. hang a blanket on a line or dryer only after the water has drained from it, otherwise it will lose its shape.

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