How to wash a pen from a white shirt at home

Ink stains belong to the category of complex stains, and it is especially difficult to remove traces of a leaked pen or left by a pen from a white office blouse or sweater. Machine washing is not always able to cope with the problem and you have to resort to the manual method using suitable products. The main task is to maintain the integrity of the fabric and restore the original appearance of the product, so it is useful to know how to wash a handle from a white shirt using folk recipes and ready-made stain removers.

Effective Ways to Remove Pen Marks from White Shirts

Folk recipes, ready-made stain removers and specific liquids are used to remove ink marks, and their effectiveness depends on following basic recommendations. When working with stains of any origin, including those left on clothes with a ballpoint or gel pen, you should follow the general rules and use suitable products. It is better to carry out cleaning in daylight, this will allow you to notice the slightest changes in shade and take action in time. The effectiveness of cleaning depends on the type of fabric and type of stain, as well as on the time the stain appears.

How to remove a pen from a shirt - general rules:

  • Shake the item free of dust or pre-wash in cool water.
  • Check the reaction of the material to the active substance used to remove ink stains.
  • Clean a shirt or blouse, first using gentle methods, and then, if there is no effect, more aggressive methods.

When removing traces of paste from clothes, you need to try to apply the cleaning composition as accurately as possible, avoiding spreading and increasing the stain.

Important! After removing ink stains, clothes are washed as usual using powder, gel, washing capsules in manual or automatic mode.

How to remove fresh stains

It is easy to remove blots from a blouse if you start processing immediately. First, blot off excess paste with a napkin or paper towel. Then the stained area of ​​​​the fabric is sprinkled with an absorbent - baby powder, flour, starch. When the pigment is absorbed, the remaining powder is cleaned off with a soft brush. The mark is wiped with hydrogen peroxide (3%) or alcohol. Then the clothes are washed.

Don't put off washing

Folk recipes

To remove ink from your favorite shirt, blouse or T-shirt, you don’t have to buy expensive ones.

stain removers. Traditional recipes use substances familiar to everyone - baking soda, table salt, ammonia, toothpaste, hydrogen peroxide, mustard powder, potato or corn starch, citric and acetic acid. In your medicine cabinet or kitchen you will definitely find ingredients suitable for removing pen stains. The main condition for safe and high-quality bleaching of clothes with folk remedies is a preliminary test on a piece of fabric, as well as compliance with the exposure time of the composition on the fabric.

Important! Folk recipes are conventionally divided into delicate and aggressive. You need to start with the most gentle method, gradually increasing the concentration or activity of the components of the composition.

Using soda

A universal product, equally useful both at home and in the kitchen. Pen marks from a shirt can be easily washed off with soda, which is diluted with a small amount of water until a homogeneous paste is obtained and applied to the area of ​​contamination. The product is safe even when working with delicate silk blouses and fine wool items.

Whitening with peroxide

Pharmacy antiseptic helps fight ink stains on white things. The product is applied with a cotton swab, erasing the blot, or used in the form of a pencil, produced by. Peroxide can be added during the main wash to give items a bright white color and restore freshness.

Cleaning with mustard

Pen marks from a white shirt must be removed before washing, and mustard powder can help in this difficult task. The product is especially suitable for cleaning terry or thick items made from linen, cotton, and denim. Dry mustard is suitable for fresh stains, and old stains are removed with a paste made from powder and water.

Application of starch

Starch, talc, chalk, tooth powder - all these substances are good adsorbents and absorb dirt, cleaning the surface and fibers of the fabric. The stain may not come off the first time, but these products can be used until the ink stain completely disappears, since they are safe and do not have aggressive destructive properties.

Removing stains with acetic acid

Vinegar and lemon juice have bleaching properties and are also easy to remove fresh stains from your shirt. A couple of drops of squeezed lemon or diluted acetic acid is enough to completely clean the stained area.

Colored ink

A mixture of glycerin and medical alcohol (2:5) helps to cope with red, black, green ink stains on dense matter. Glycerin leaves streaks on silk dresses, so gentle methods are used to remove colored marks on delicate material: clean with salt and lemon juice. Thin fabrics are soaked in cool soapy foam.

Salt saves delicate fabrics from gel pen marks

Is solvent suitable for removing pen marks from fabric?

To remove ink stains, it is not recommended to use products containing acetone in high concentrations, as well as paint thinner. This composition will easily remove pen marks, but at the same time the fabric of the shirt may suffer. As a last resort, you can use nail polish remover that contains a small percentage of acetone. Alcohol solutions, concentrated acids and alkalis, as well as chlorine-containing bleaches and stain removers should be used with caution. Particular care should be taken when working with delicate fabrics, and if it is necessary to use aggressive chemicals, you need to remember safety precautions. Cleaning is carried out with gloves to protect the skin of the hands and avoid contact of the solution with the mucous membranes to avoid burns.

Application of washing powders

Modern washing powders and gels contain bleaches, bioadditives and active substances that wash away grease and remove stains from pens and felt-tip pens.

NameApproximate price for 3 kg in rubles
Ariel Expert530
Tide Color470
Burti Color670
Persil Sensitive400

Universal laundry detergents wash away fresh traces of a pen, but do not always cope with blots embedded in the fabric. The dosage of the powder is indicated on the packaging.

Professional household chemicals and stain removers

Ready-made formulations, sold in household chemicals departments and specialized stores, do an excellent job of removing all types of contaminants. Removing pen marks with their help will not be difficult, and due to the wide range, you can choose the appropriate composition for gentle bleaching of all types of fabrics.

How to easily remove ink from a white shirt using ready-made products:

  • Antipyatin soap. The product works at any water temperature, and due to the content of active amino acids and alkali, it copes well with difficult stains of any origin.
  • Persol powder. Before use, you need to read the instructions and select a treatment mode depending on the type of fabric and the complexity of the contamination. A simple and affordable solution for combating old stains, it removes ink stains without leaving a trace.
  • Bleach Sarma. Recommended for use on thick fabrics. Easily copes with marks from berries, pens, blood, sweat on clothes, is affordable and very easy to use.
  • Oxygen stain remover VANISH OXI ACTION. Able to wash delicate and thick fabrics, white and colored items without loss of brightness and whiteness. Suitable for hand and machine wash and does not require pre-soaking.
  • Product with active oxygen BON. Effectively removes stains from clothes, does not spoil the fabric or disrupt the fiber structure. Can be used as a washing powder enhancer or as a stand-alone bleach.

Good products for removing traces of paste are produced by AMWAY, but they are difficult to find on the open market, and the cost is quite high.

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Important! When using ready-made household chemicals, remember that they can lead to an allergic reaction. It is necessary to work with chemical compounds, observing the precautions specified in the instructions.

What not to do

Sometimes trying to erase paste from a shirt brings additional trouble - ink spreading, damaging the item. In order not to spoil things, follow the rules:

  • drips should not be wiped with a damp cloth - this causes the blots to spread and the paste to be absorbed into the fibers of the material;
  • do not mix different types of cleaners so as not to spoil the fabric;
  • washing in hot water increases the spreading of the dye, so dresses are cleaned in moderately warm or cool water (at a temperature of + 30 - 45℃);
  • Cleaning agents are not left on the splashes longer than the specified time to avoid discoloration of colored fabrics and the appearance of yellow spots on white fabrics.

It is more difficult to remove ingrained ink from fabric than freshly planted ink. Therefore, having put a blot on a shirt, they quickly begin to clean it.

Stains are rubbed from the edge to the center

Choosing the right product

You need to remove stains from white items depending on the type of material. Thin snow-white matter can be hopelessly damaged from exposure to aggressive solutions or chemical reagents. Synthetic fabrics and natural silk do not tolerate acids well, and thick cotton or linen shirts should not be washed with chlorine-containing detergents, which cause yellowing.

How to wash handles from white clothes made of different materials:

  • Synthetic fabrics can be easily cleaned with ordinary laundry soap. This simple product effectively removes new and old ink stains on thin blouses and T-shirts. It is allowed to use special oxygen bleaches intended for the care of delicate products.
  • It is best to clean ink stains from natural linen and cotton T-shirts, as well as from denim, while the pen marks are fresh and have not been absorbed into the fibers of the fabric. The range of products that help remove dirt is extensive. Among folk recipes, compositions based on hydrogen peroxide, laundry soap, toothpaste or powder, baking soda and table salt, starch, mustard, ammonia, acetic and citric acid, milk, and acetone are popular. Among household products, it is better to give preference to stain removers with active oxygen.
  • A soap solution or a mixture made from a couple of drops of dishwashing detergent and warm water will help remove ink from a terry robe.
  • A silk blouse or woolen jacket with marks left by an ink pen is washed in warm water, after removing the stains with a mixture of lemon juice and salt, whey, glycerin soap or baby cream.
  • Glycerin, shaving foam, or a special stain remover spray will help remove stains from a gel or ballpoint pen from leather products.
  • Toothpaste with a whitening effect can be used with equal effectiveness on all types of fabrics without the risk of ruining the item.

Wipe off traces of ink from white blouses, blouses, shirts, as well as from home clothes using a cotton pad or swab dipped in one of the suitable solutions, or with a soft brush or small sponge.

Ink stains on snow-white clothes are not a reason to write off your favorite item. Using folk recipes and household chemicals, you can deal with pen marks with minimal risk to the fabric.

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We wash the handle in an automatic machine

It is best to remove stains with special cleaning agents rather than putting the entire item in the washing machine. But it happens that the housewife simply loads things into the machine, hoping that the machine will remove all the stains. Is it possible to do this?

When washing in a machine, you should consider the type of fabric. Be sure to read the label on the product; it is possible that machine washing is prohibited. If you do choose to machine wash, you should add a stain remover to the tray along with the powder. Usually, 30-40 g of product mixed with powder is enough to wash things in the machine.

And, of course, you cannot wash heavily soiled laundry together with clean, especially white, as things may turn gray after the first wash.

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