Little-known ways to wash a bamboo blanket easily and effectively

The sleeping area and bedding should be as comfortable as possible. This also applies to a blanket, which most people cannot do without, covering themselves with it in both cold and hot weather. There are many types of litters, but those made from plant materials do the best job.

But any bedding needs to be washed from time to time. And many housewives want to be sure that they will not ruin an expensive item by choosing the wrong method. You need to choose between using an automatic washing machine, hand washing and dry cleaning. All methods will be discussed in detail below so that you can be confident in the safe washing of natural materials.

The good condition of the blanket depends to a large extent on proper drying. As a bonus, at the end of the article you can learn how to properly remove moisture from bedding after washing, how to remove unpleasant odors, as well as how to store it in the summer.

Is a bamboo blanket washable?

Such blankets must be washed periodically, because droplets of sweat and microparticles of dead skin can penetrate even through the bed linen.

Cleaning a product with such a filler requires compliance with certain rules, thanks to which it will last for many years.

  1. When washing in a machine, you should select the “delicate” mode, which automatically sets the water temperature. For bamboo insulation it should not exceed 30 degrees. The same must be taken into account if you wash the item by hand.
  2. It is not advisable to use powdered products, especially those with large granules. They can become clogged in the insulation, form lumps, and are difficult to wash out during the rinsing process. Therefore, preference should be given to gel-based detergents.
  3. To prevent the formation of balls inside the blanket, it is recommended to wash it by placing a couple of tennis balls for sports in the drum of the machine. With constant contact, they evenly distribute the filler over the entire area of ​​the blanket.
  4. Before the procedure, you must carefully study the label, which contains information about the recommended cleaning and drying regimen.
  5. If the blanket is made of dark fabric, then the use of bleach or products containing chlorine is strictly prohibited. This can lead to lightening of areas of the canvas and loss of the aesthetic appearance of the product.
  6. When choosing a mode in the machine, you should turn off the drying. In this case, the spin function is not prohibited, but the number of revolutions should not exceed 700 per minute.

Important: bamboo is afraid of prolonged exposure to water, so soaking such a blanket is not recommended. Focal contamination can be removed in other ways.

Many housewives are concerned about the question of how to wash a bamboo blanket - by hand or in a machine? There is no definite answer, since both cases have their own disadvantages and advantages.

The main advantage of washing a blanket in a machine is that the process is automated. That is, a person will not have to stand hunched over the bathtub and wash off stains with his hands, and then also wring out the cloth that has become heavy from the water. An automatic machine will do all this for you. And washing by hand requires considerable physical strength. But in this case, you can notice and clean stubborn stains that the mechanism cannot always cope with.

The disadvantage of an automatic machine is that it often knocks the fiber into clumps at high speeds, which causes the product to become deformed. Therefore, everyone answers the question of how to wash a warm bamboo blanket - by hand or in a machine.

Preparing for washing

Despite the fact that such a filler is a rather unpretentious material, the product must be prepared before the procedure:

  1. The blanket should be knocked out a little using a special tool for carpets. This is necessary so that after the procedure the insulation is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the product. In addition, this technique will help to avoid the appearance of brown stains and smudges during the drying process of the canvas.
  2. Take care of the detergent in advance. As mentioned above, liquid or gel types are ideal for machine washing. If you are going to do this by hand, then laundry soap is your first assistant.
  3. If you find stubborn stains, you should first try to clean them using other methods, depending on the type of stain, since the machine cannot always cope with them.
  4. Before the water procedure, you should check the product for any loose seams or holes through which pieces of bamboo may peek out. If they are not sewn up in time, the filler will scatter throughout the drum, which may affect its functioning in the future.

How to wash a bamboo blanket in a washing machine

An automated process is undoubtedly much easier than a manual one. But in this case, you need to follow a number of rules that will help maintain the original appearance of the product.

In addition to the basic tips discussed above, there are a number of other recommendations:

  1. Before washing, be sure to evaluate the size of the blanket and the drum of the machine. The product must fit there freely. For large items, it is advisable to purchase equipment with a load of at least 6 kg.
  2. Carefully inspect the drum for foreign objects and particles of detergent remaining from the previous procedure.
  3. If the technique does not require a delicate mode, choose the one that has the least number of spin speeds, as well as the shortest time. Leaving a bamboo blanket in water for a long time can negatively affect its appearance.
  4. It is advisable to add 2-3 more rinses to the main program parameters to prevent the appearance of streaks on the product.

The optimal modes for washing bamboo filler in a machine are delicate or manual. Their parameters make it possible to preserve the appearance of the canvas as much as possible, as well as the integrity and uniform distribution of the filler.

Algorithm for cleaning a bamboo blanket in a car:

  1. Pour the required amount of gel product into the compartment. In this case, you need to make sure that there are no powder residues in the adjacent compartment. Exactly how much to add depends on the size of the product.
  2. Carefully roll up a large blanket with a roller, and if the canvas is modest in size, you can fold it in half several times.
  3. Place the product in the machine drum.
  4. Install the appropriate program.
  5. Activate extra rinse.
  6. Select spin mode: no more than 800 rpm, delicate (if available).
  7. Turn off drying.

Important: It is not recommended to place other things in the drum together with the bamboo blanket. This may cause the bedding to become deformed.

Helpful information

Information that may be useful to all owners of a bamboo blanket:

  1. Machine wash should be used only when necessary. If the contamination is minor, you can limit yourself to local washing.

  2. The bamboo blanket cannot be ironed.
  3. The duvet cover can only be put on after the filling has completely dried. Otherwise, the product will be prohibited.
  4. To remove dust, you can simply knock out the blanket or vacuum it.
  5. For preventive purposes, bedding is washed once every 6 months.

You will find a lot of useful and important information about washing blankets here.

How to wash by hand

To wash a product with bamboo filling, you will need:

  • large basin or bath;
  • laundry soap or stain remover (without chlorine) to clean dirt;
  • warm water;
  • soft brush;
  • liquid or gel product.

How to wash a bamboo blanket by hand:

  1. A bathtub or large basin should be filled to approximately 2/3 of its volume.
  2. Place the product there and soak for 20 minutes. You should not hold the bedspread longer to prevent deformation of the filler.
  3. After this, you can begin to cleanse focal contamination using special detergents or folk remedies.
  4. Add gel and rub all areas with your hands, paying special attention to corners and seams.
  5. Then you need to drain the water, wring out the blanket a little so that most of the soapy liquid drains away, and then fill the basin or bathtub again with warm water.
  6. The above action must be repeated several times until foam stops appearing.
  7. At the end of the wash, carefully wring out the fabric, starting from one of the corners.

Removing difficult stains

If there are old stains on a bamboo blanket, they should be treated with improvised means before washing. They work no worse than store-bought stain removers and at the same time allow you to safely clean contaminated areas:

  1. Laundry soap. It should be grated on a fine grater and diluted with a small amount of water to a paste. The resulting composition is applied to the contaminated area and left for 30 minutes. After this, you need to take a soft brush and rub the stain. The area of ​​fabric is then rinsed in cool water.
  2. Soda and table vinegar. Pour baking soda onto the stain and immediately rub it into the fabric with your fingertips. After this, the area is treated with a sponge soaked in vinegar. When the reaction is over, wash the stained area using detergents.
  3. Ammonia. You need to generously moisten a cotton swab with alcohol and wipe the stain on the blanket until it disappears completely.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide. The product is applied to the contaminated area and left for 20 minutes. Then, using a soft brush, the stain is cleaned and washed in cool water. It is important to remember that the product can only be used on light-colored fabrics.
  5. Starch or baby powder. These products help get rid of greasy stains. They should be rubbed into the dirt and left for 12 hours. Then the treated area is cleaned with a soft brush. The stain should disappear after this. If it remains, then you additionally need to wash this area with dishwashing detergent mixed with salt.

IMPORTANT . The above products are safe for fabric, but it is still better to take precautions. First, you should try the composition on a small and inconspicuous area, and only then apply it to a larger surface.

Dry cleaning as an alternative

Housewives usually take heavily soiled items to the dry cleaner. Yes, it has a number of advantages:

  1. All the work will be done for you by specialists who know what to do and how to do it, and will not allow the appearance of things to be damaged.
  2. Dry cleaning removes stubborn stains almost 100 percent, which cannot always be removed at home.
  3. This method involves cleaning contaminants with organic solvents rather than water, so deformation of the product is practically eliminated.

But dry cleaning is ideal only for certain types of fabric, since the detergents used in this process can corrode the color of the material, which leads to deterioration of the blanket.

Important: dry cleaning of bamboo products is strictly prohibited. Products used to clean stains cause irreparable damage to the filler.

Choosing a detergent

When choosing a detergent, you should give preference to liquid products for cleaning down products. Capsules containing washing gel are also suitable. They are loaded into the drum along with the blanket. The detergent should not contain aggressive substances, such as acid, bleach or alkali. These components lead to tissue destruction.

Granular washing powders should not be used. Microparticles of granules are quickly and easily absorbed by bamboo fibers. In addition, in cool water they do not wash well and are less rinsed. When using such products, you will have to rinse the bedding at least 4 times.

The best laundry detergents made from bamboo fibers:

  1. Gel Synergetic. This is a delicate detergent that can be used for both hand and machine washing. It is completely hypoallergenic, so it is suitable for washing blankets used in cribs. The cost of the gel varies within 70 rubles.
  2. Gel DUO. This is an Australian made product. It is a universal composition that is suitable for washing white and colored items. This is a very economical concentrate. One container of DUO gel can replace 4 liters of regular liquid detergent. The price of the package is about 500 rubles.
  3. Weasel “wool and silk”. This is an effective and popular product used in the care of delicate fabrics. The composition works great in cool water, quickly removes dirt and can be rinsed out of the filler without any problems. The price of 1 liter of liquid detergent is approximately 300 rubles.

Any product can be purchased in household chemical departments. When purchasing, it is also important to consider the color of the bedding.

IMPORTANT . If the filler is in a colored case, then you need to use a gel that does not contain bleaching substances.

What to do if an unpleasant odor appears after cleaning

Sometimes, after cleaning, a product with bamboo filling emits an unpleasant musty smell.

There may be several reasons for the appearance of such an aroma:

  • improper drying, due to which moisture does not evaporate completely and mold appears;
  • storing the blanket in an airtight container for a long time.

To eliminate the smell, you should wash the fabric again using regular baking soda or 9% vinegar. Add 10 ml of baking powder or 1 spoon of table acid to the compartment for the bulk product. Then it is advisable to spin the product again using conditioner to remove the smell of vinegar.

Important: ironing blankets with bamboo filling is prohibited.

How to dry properly

Drying a bamboo blanket is perhaps the most important stage of cleaning the product. The appearance depends on it. For example, due to insufficient drying of bedding, an unpleasant odor may appear, and if exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, it may become discolored.

Basic rules for drying a bamboo blanket:

  1. The wet cloth should be laid out on a hard and flat surface to avoid the appearance of lumps.
  2. It is best to hang the blanket outside so that air flows through the filler. In addition, the product will acquire a pleasant fresh aroma.
  3. After it has completely dried, it is recommended to lightly beat it with your hands so that the filler absorbs oxygen and becomes more fluffy. For the same reason, we recommend leaving the canvas unfolded for several hours before use.
  4. If you want to speed up the process, you can direct a warm stream of hair dryer onto the blanket.

Important: hot air should not be used for drying, nor should heating devices be placed nearby.

Proper drying

Bedding should be washed according to the rules, but it should also be dried correctly. If you do not take into account all the nuances, the item can be ruined. The bamboo fibers will clump and the bedspread will be ruined.

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The following recommendations should be followed:

  1. A bamboo blanket should never be dried on a line - the fibers may clump together. It must be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the dryer.
  2. The room in which the product will be dried must be ventilated.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to dry bedding in the sun.
  4. It is necessary to shake the blanket every 2-3 hours. This is necessary so that the fibers dry evenly and lumps do not form.


In order for a bamboo bedspread to preserve its original appearance, special attention should be paid to its storage.

  1. Items with bamboo filling are strictly prohibited from being kept in vacuum bags. The lack of oxygen has a negative effect on the fabric and can also lead to the appearance of mold and a musty smell in the filler. In addition, they tightly compress the product, which leads to its deformation.
  2. Bamboo blankets should be stored in a well-ventilated area where there is constant air circulation. This will avoid unpleasant odors and stains on the fabric of the product.

Bamboo filling is one of the most practical and comfortable materials for sleeping. Proper care of such products will allow you to maintain a beautiful appearance for a long time.

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