Checking and replacing the pressure switch (level sensor) in the dishwasher
All dishwashers are required to be equipped with a device such as a water level sensor, which
Where are Bosch washing machines assembled?
Bosch washing machines: where they are made, features, review of the best models
German manufacturers of household appliances never tire of raising the bar for reliability and quality, and the adjective “German”
sma with tank
Popular models of washing machines from Gorenie, including those with a water tank
Washing machines of the Gorenje brand, or “Gorenye”, are in demand not only among Russians, but
Strong vibration may be a sign of a serious problem with your washing machine.
What to do if the washing machine vibrates a lot
Breakage of the internal elements of the machine Shock absorbers or dampers Counterweights Bearing Springs Video Washing clothes in
Indesit washing modes
Instructions and manual for Indesit IWUC 4105 in Russian
When equipping a new apartment, every person strives to surround himself with basic necessities. You can visit them
What is the rinse mode in a washing machine, and how to use it correctly?
Automatic washing machines offer a wide range of laundry processing functionality. Built-in washing modes also include rinsing.
Hatch door
Reasons for jamming the washing machine door and how to eliminate them
A sudden failure of household appliances always takes us by surprise: unforeseen circumstances knock us out of our usual
washing machine in the bathroom
Rating of the best washing machines under the sink for 2022
Every year there are more and more household appliances that make our lives easier, and the area of ​​our
How to properly replace the oil seal in a washing machine without original lubricant
Automatic washing machines are indispensable and the main assistants of our housewives. They save a lot of our
Tips for repairing the control unit of a Samsung washing machine
Professional repair of Samsung washing machines at home is required when identifying breakdowns of household appliances. Products
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