How to machine wash tulle so it is white

Tulle is a thin translucent fabric. It diffuses the sun's rays, transforming the room and decorating the window. Compared to practical blinds, tulle curtains give the space a cozy and airy charm. Settling dust and bright sun over time spoil the appearance of the material, many everyday questions arise: how to wash tulle in an automatic washing machine, or maybe better by hand?

How to wash tulle to give it pearly whiteness or maintain its color? And if yellowness, grayness or greasy stains appear on the fabric, what should you do? Knowing the basic secrets and rules of washing, you can easily restore its original appearance. In this article you will find many practical and accessible tips for care and washing.

Determining the fabric

First of all, before washing, you need to understand what fabric the curtain is made of. Fabrics from which tulle is made:

  • silk;
  • viscose;
  • polyester;
  • nylon;
  • cotton.

Modern fabrics can consist of several types of threads, for example with the addition of bamboo or wool. Knowing the composition, you can accurately choose the simplest and most effective method of care.

Polyester and nylon are the strongest fabrics, their shelf life is more than ten years, they are strong and durable. When washing all artificial fabrics, first of all, you need to monitor the temperature, otherwise they may turn yellow.

Tulle made from cotton, silk or natural threads is very beautiful, but requires delicate handling. You can wash this curtain by hand or using the delicate cycle in the washing machine.

Ways to clean curtains without removing them

If the curtains are not too dirty, then they can be cleaned of dust without washing, without removing them from the curtain rod. There are several different ways you can freshen up a curtain.

Dry cleaning

Dry cleaning is done using a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment. This method is mainly suitable for tapestry, but other types of fabric can be cleaned in this way. The main thing is not to spoil the delicate texture of the material with a brush.

Often, cleaning with a vacuum cleaner is aimed at the upper part of the curtains, where a large mass of dust accumulates and where it is difficult to reach with a regular rag.

Wet cleaning and steaming

Wet cleaning is carried out using a soap solution and a sponge. This cleaning is suitable for roller curtains. Steaming is performed either with a steam generator or with an iron that has a vertical steam supply function. During exposure to steam, the curtain is not only smoothed out, but also disinfected and refreshed.

Steaming is best done on material that is not afraid of moisture and does not shrink when the temperature increases. However, if the curtain is very dirty, then this method of cleaning the product will not work.


At what temperature to wash tulle depends on the composition and structure of the fabric.

  • The most unpretentious curtains are made of polyester and nylon - they can easily withstand temperatures of 40-60 degrees;
  • Organza, veil or muslin are very sensitive to high temperatures, so the water should be no more than 30 degrees;
  • Materials made from several types of fabrics, but based on natural fibers, such as cotton, can be washed at 60 degrees. High temperature bleaches tulle made from natural fabrics well and easily removes dirt, without additional products.

Remember that when choosing a temperature regime, it is important to follow the manufacturers' recommendations for a particular type of fabric.

Next you will learn about the nuances of each type of washing.

Rules for washing tulle from different fabrics

Tulle is made from different fabrics, so general washing rules are indispensable. Familiarize yourself with the composition of the material and only then begin cleaning. The main thing is to comply with the requirements regarding the temperature of the washing water. If they are not taken into account, tulle may forever lose its original appearance.

Mixed fabrics made of polyester and natural cotton are considered the most unpretentious They are washed at a temperature of +40...+60 ℃ in the usual mode, and even old stains are removed, and light curtains are washed white without additional treatment. Polyester cannot be treated with bleaching agents.

Before washing tulle, read the composition of the fabric and the symbols on the label.

Nylon is considered one of the most durable fabrics. It is necessary to wash tulle made of nylon material at a temperature of +30 ℃, in no case using bleaches. To prevent snow-white nylon from turning yellow, it is important to clean it from dirt in a timely manner and not wash it in too hot water.

Delicate fabrics - muslin, organza or veil - are washed in a delicate mode at a temperature of no more than +30 ℃. Be sure to use a special washing cover, and if there is none, place the tulle in a regular cotton pillowcase. It is forbidden to wring out these materials, twist them by hand or iron them. chiffon are washed using the same principle . The exception is the veil, for which spinning at minimum speed and ironing at the lowest temperature are acceptable.

General washing secrets

How to wash tulle correctly? Check out the practical recommendations for any materials:

  • Shake and remove dust before washing;
  • It is not recommended to use chlorine-containing bleaches, they seriously damage the fabric;
  • the water temperature should be no more than 40 degrees, otherwise the fabric will “shrink”;
  • first dilute the dry powder in a small amount of warm water or use liquid products;
  • dry the fabric in a straightened form; do not squeeze it too much or twist it at high speeds.
  • You should not completely dry the tulle; it is better to hang it wet on the windows, and you can smooth out the folds with your hands.

Now check out the machine wash recommendations.

Whitening tulle curtains

Time, constantly settling dust, the sun are the factors due to which tulle loses its pristine whiteness. Gradually, the curtains acquire a gray or yellow tint, which can sometimes be difficult to get rid of. Under no circumstances should you use chlorine-containing bleaches! Chlorine has a negative effect on fabric structure.

Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to oxygen or optical brightener, although home remedies also do a good job. The choice of bleaching method depends on the material.

Lace curtains, as well as curtains made from materials based on natural threads, withstand the effects of hydrogen peroxide well. Perhydrol is one of the most effective and affordable bleaches.

When machine washing, you need to pour 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide into the powder compartment. Organza and other delicate fabrics are bleached with ammonia, which is added to the powder or conditioner in an amount of 20-30 ml.

If you plan to use blue, you should know that it is used only for preliminary soaking. Since the quality of the blue varies, there is no exact dosage. Therefore, you need to focus on the color of the solution. It should have a bluish tint.

Machine washable

For owners of advanced modern washing machines, it is enough to turn on the special “for curtains”, “delicate” or “silk” mode and any curtain will be washed carefully.

How to properly wash tulle in a washing machine? For regular automatic models, use the “hand wash” mode at a temperature of 30 degrees. There are several recommendations for proper machine washing:

By the way, the “wool” mode is great for curtains and tulle, so you can wash and preserve the fabric as carefully as possible.

  • How to wash tulle from grayness? Pre-soak it for several hours or overnight in water, adding salt (1 tbsp) and powder;

Salted water is also perfect for colored fabrics, this will make the curtains brighter.

  • Fold the tulle fabric inside the drum neatly and evenly, no need to crumple it, so the number of folds will be minimal. It is best to place the tulle in a special case to preserve the integrity of the fabric and protect it from accidental damage in the drum;

  • Wring out the washed item at very low speeds (400-500), otherwise the curtain may turn into a crumpled lump;
  • Choose the temperature depending on the composition of the material, but not higher than 40 degrees;
  • Replace the dry powder with liquid gel or shampoo, add a very small amount, half the usual volume. For curtains, foaming should be as low as possible.

When the tulle wash is complete, you can turn on the extra rinse cycle to thoroughly remove the detergent.

Features of choosing a program in a washing machine depending on the manufacturer

Washing machine models from different manufacturers have their own set of basic and additional programs. Each one has a mode for washing tulle.


Manual - 30 °C.


Delicate wash: 30 °C, maximum load - 1 kg.


Hand wash: 30 °C, 40-55 minutes.


Shirt and bow tie icon. The program is intended for delicate fabrics. The water is heated to 30 °C, the washing duration is 40 minutes.


Delicates: 40 °C, maximum load 1.5 kg. Hand wash: 30 °C, maximum load 1 kg.


Curtains: 40 °C, 100 minutes. Wool or hand wash: 40 °C, 55-56 minutes. Silk: 30°C, 40 minutes. Delicate fabrics: 40 °C, 60 minutes.


Silk: 30 °C, 55 minutes, maximum load 1-1.5 kg.


Delicate: 30 °C, 60 minutes.


Wool: maximum load 2 kg, duration 50 minutes.


Delicate and hand washable.


Many housewives wash tulle by hand, so the stains are better visible and the possibility of damaging the fabric is minimal. In addition to using regular powders, you can use natural products with the addition of bleaches.

How to wash tulle to make it white at home? Below we will look at effective, folk secrets of washing without resorting to chemicals.

By the way , if you don’t have a thermometer, and for washing you need to make the water 30-40 degrees, use your elbow as a hint. Touch the water with your elbow and feel it, it should be pleasant. If it feels cold or hot, adjust it to a comfortable state. This folk method has also been used for a very long time and has been successfully used by parents before bathing small children; they also require a temperature of no more than 40 degrees.

Bleaching very dirty old tulle

If for some reason you do not want to get rid of a product that has lost its beauty, then you can try a set of measures to resuscitate cotton fabric at home, using the methods described above.

  1. First boil the curtain.
  2. Then use the method with ammonia and peroxide.
  3. Next step: soaking in saline solution.
  4. Finally, starch the fabric.

For synthetic materials, a more delicate technology is suitable.

  1. Use soaking with laundry soap.
  2. Next, it is better to resort to saline solution.
  3. Treat with brilliant green.
  4. And just like in the previous version - rinse with starch.

If these measures did not help, then it should be recognized that this curtain has already outlived its usefulness and you will have to either come to terms with its shortcomings or go for a new one.

Complex contaminants

What is the best way to wash tulle and very dirty curtains, especially kitchen curtains, because they absorb not only dust and odors, but also soot? There is a huge variety of methods; we will look at the simplest and most effective ones.

  • If there are individual grease stains on the tulle, to remove them, sprinkle this area generously with starch before washing.

First of all, to make the tulle white, try soaking it in warm water with the addition of soda and salt for several hours or overnight.

Video on the topic:

How to dry?

To avoid ironing the tulle later, you should dry it properly.

After washing and rinsing is completed, the product is carefully folded in several layers and hung over the bathtub to drain off any remaining water. And only then they attach it to the curtain, where it dries completely and straightens out under its own weight.

You should not immediately hang damp curtains in the open air or balcony , since dust will instantly settle on them and you can start washing again.

If the tulle is very wrinkled during the washing process, you can iron it with a slightly heated iron that has a steam function. Do not use a spray bottle, as water droplets leave marks.

This article will tell you how to smooth tulle using an iron.

How to wash curtains with salt

This method can clean white fabric from dirt, remove yellowness or an unpleasant gray color.

How it's done:

  • water of the required temperature is poured into the container;
  • salt is poured in at the rate of 1 liter of water - one tablespoon and a little powder;
  • stir thoroughly until completely dissolved;
  • Now you can dip the tulle into this solution.

For minor stains, it is enough to soak the tulle for 1-2 hours and then wash it by hand or in a washing machine using powder.

For curtains with heavy soiling, yellowing and dirty spots, you need to do it differently:

  • Wash first in regular powder, and then soak overnight in a salt solution with the above concentration;
  • In the morning, wash again with powder and rinse well.

Remember that you can only use coarse rock salt, not fine “extra” salt and not iodized salt!

How to bleach tulle at home

White tulle is always in fashion, but it has one drawback - it quickly loses its whiteness. Is it possible to get rid of the grayness and return it to its original shade? Next, we will talk about proven methods that are easy to try at home.

To quickly wash tulle that is not very dirty , you will need baking soda. Make a soda solution (1 tablespoon per 8-10 liters of warm water) and soak dirty curtains in it for several hours before washing. Then rinse the product thoroughly and load it into the washing machine drum.

How to wash tulle so that it is white? remove slight yellowness . Mix the salt in warm water and soak the yellowed curtains in this liquid for a couple of hours, and then rinse in cold water. Recommended solution proportions – 1 tbsp. l. salt per 1 liter of water. After rinsing out the saline solution, wash the item with a delicate detergent.

Tulle curtains in the kitchen are often covered with splattered grease. To remove grease stains from delicate fabric, use starch. Sprinkle it on the stain, leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse off the remaining powder. For greater effect, it is recommended to carefully wash the tulle with bleaching soap, and then wash it using one of the methods discussed above.

Folk remedies will help restore the original whiteness of tulle

To achieve a snow-white glow, you can use a method that has been proven over the years. Wash the tulle as usual, and during the rinsing stage add a little blue (the water should take on a barely noticeable blue tint). You can buy the product at a hardware store. The effect is noticeable from the first use. Also, instead of a rinse aid, you can use a weak solution of medical brilliant green. Turn the water slightly green and rinse the white tulle well in it, without leaving it in the solution for long.

When using brilliant green, wear gloves and act slowly so as not to spill the product - it will be difficult to remove such a stain.

If you trust store-bought bleaches more, choose gentle products without chlorine. Oxygen bleach or a product for synthetic fabrics will help restore the whiteness of tulle. Before use, carefully read the instructions and follow the indicated proportions.

We hope that our useful tips will help you get the desired result when washing tulle.

Whitening with soda

This is a very simple and affordable method, since every housewife has soda. Thanks to soda, you can whiten gray and yellowed tulle and remove greasy stains.

Here is the simplest recipe with this remedy:

  • mix 100 g of any powder and two tablespoons of soda;
  • pour this mixture into a bowl of warm water and stir;
  • dip the tulle in this solution for half an hour;
  • then wash by hand or machine.

Please note that baking soda only washes effectively when soaked!

Choosing household chemicals

Tulle items can be washed with regular powder, liquid detergent or gel. You can also wash tulle to make it white using special bleaches.


For both machine and hand washing, it is preferable to use automatic powder. It produces less foam and rinses out faster. You should choose a powder without chlorine, since particles of this substance may remain in the fibers, and under the influence of sunlight the fabric will acquire a yellow tint.

The best option is powder based on active oxygen. The main component of such a powder has a gentle effect on the material, pushing out and removing all particles of dirt, without disturbing the structure of the fabric.


Read about: how to wash a white T-shirt at home.

Bleach should also be used based on active oxygen, without chlorine. There are special optical brighteners. They act on the principle of paint - they form a thin film on the fabric that is not washed off after rinsing and gives the material a snow-white appearance.

  • The product is added to a container of water in the proportion indicated on the label and the tulle is left in the resulting solution for an hour.
  • After this, rinse thoroughly and dry.

Whitening with brilliant green and salt

A non-standard and proven method for returning blinding whiteness to curtains.

How to properly wash tulle in this way so as not to dye the fabric an emerald shade? Read carefully the sequence of preparing the solution:

  • Dissolve two tablespoons of salt in half a liter of warm water;
  • add 15 drops of brilliant green, stir thoroughly and leave for 5 minutes until a sediment forms;
  • Now you need to very carefully strain the solution to remove the sediment, which can stain the fabric;
  • the finished liquid is added to the water during the last rinse.

While rinsing, soak the curtains for 5 minutes.

  • periodically turn over and wring out the fabric to evenly saturate it with the composition;
  • now remove from the water, squeezing gently, without twisting;
  • To dry, hang flat.

At what temperature should you wash tulle?

The main enemy of a snow-white curtain is hot water, therefore, remember once and for all that the tulle washing temperature is from 35 - 40C. Neither higher nor lower.

If you wash in hot water, you will get the opposite effect, the fabric will turn grey. And, if it’s very cold, then it just won’t wash off well.

There are exceptions to the rules: tulle made from natural fabrics, not synthetic. Such curtains will withstand higher temperatures, approximately 60C. But, by and large, there is no difference, 40C or 60C, therefore, for convenience, it is better to use one formula.

Bleaching with hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and blue

In a similar way, you can use hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and blue instead of brilliant green. Here are the main ways:

  • 1 tablespoon of ammonia is added to a bucket of hot water plus 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Stir the mixture, soak the tulle for 15-20 minutes and rinse well.

Work only with rubber gloves!

The use of blueing gives a bright whiteness to white fabrics. To do this, just add a small amount of blue to the last rinse water and let it sit for a few minutes.

Modern remedies for grayness and yellowness

Several types of bleaches are suitable for curtains:

  • chlorine-containing;
  • oxygen;
  • optical.

Chlorine-based bleaches have been used for a long time. This group includes the common remedy Whiteness. Such substances act quickly, but give short-lived results. Chlorine quickly destroys the structure of the fabric, the threads become thinner, and yellowness quickly returns.

Oxygen bleaches (for example, Vanish) clean much more gently. They do not damage the structure of the material. You can easily use them more often than chlorine-containing analogues. However, substances such as stain removers are marketed. To properly bleach gray textiles, follow the instructions.

The procedure is carried out by hand washing; it is often necessary to soak the item in the prepared solution or apply the substance directly to the material. Among the disadvantages of oxygen bleaches is their short duration of action. After just a few washes, you will have to look again for methods to rid tulle of grayness.

Optical brighteners return whiteness to things or enhance the brightness of white fabrics due to their ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation in the range of 300-400 mm. The rays are converted into light with a blue tint, the wavelength is 400-500 mmk. The perception of once gray things changes due to compensation for the deficiency of blue rays. The technology is suitable for natural and synthetic materials.

Ready-made whitening products

Using ready-made chemicals, you can wash tulle in a machine to remove even heavy stains.

There are several main types of such additives:

  1. Optical brightener - consists of special particles that settle on the fibers of the material and create a visual effect of whiteness. Used exclusively for white fabrics and can lighten curtains made of any fabric;
  2. Oxygen bleach - has the effect of visual whiteness and does not damage the fabric. Applicable for colored items and low-temperature machine washable types;
  3. Chlorine-containing compounds have an aggressive effect on delicate fabrics and can damage them. Whether it is possible to wash with such aggressive agents is up to you to decide, but nowadays housewives use them less and less, preferring gentle bleaches.

Modern industry produces a variety of bleaches for artificial and natural fabrics. Before purchasing, read the instructions carefully and use the appropriate products carefully.

Now, knowing many tips and recommendations, you can quickly and easily wash any dirt from the curtains and restore their natural color.

Useful tips

General washing tips that will help maintain the original whiteness of tulle for a long time:

  • before soaking, shake the tulle to remove dust;
  • do not use chlorine-containing bleaches, which leads to rapid wear of the material;
  • after washing, do not twist the product, but allow the water to drain naturally;
  • The optimal temperature limit when washing light tulle is 35-40 ᵒC, otherwise it will shrink.

You will find maximum useful information about washing clothes and various fabric products here.

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